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Saturday, September 27, 2008

First school in Wuhan

TDM could stand for Two Diabolic Managers or perhaps Total Disastrous Mistake which it was on our part for choosing this particular college of the many on offer throughout China. In reality TDM was the real name of this private college we selected after reading their old and misleading website. I guess we should share the blame; and when we resigned after six consecutive working days (Tues Sept 2 --> Sunday 7 ) - we admitted to our 'Manager' that we made a mistake. The whole package was wrong for us - the kids were fine - see photos. Carla taking a 'super tots' class with Mums & Dads present and my primary kids all very happy. We told our Managers up front 'No kids for us' we only want to teach mature age students who already have had a few years of English. This plus other requests months ago via email fell between the lines or on deaf ears. I guess also we were spoilt from our earlier experience at CTGU. A quick email around town and another job was on offer, a site visit followed and a 12 month contract was signed and sealed.

Just some further information on TDM. After being met at the airport we were taken to an apartment (I use the term loosely!) Instead of the 3R's it was the 3D's - Dark, Dingy and Dirty! Bathroom was Asian and only place to stand when having a shower was virtually in the 'hole'. Bedroom had the TV in it as no sitting room, it did have a bed with grotty sheets, curtains which did'nt quite cover the window so no privacy from opposite apartment block. Also there was no equipment in the kitchen, such as kettle, pots/pans etc. On advising them that in no way would we stay there, we were asked to stay for one night and think about it. We promptly left and booked ourselves into a hotel. A search then began for a different apartment for us, on finding one we inspected it. We requested a Western toilet and were advised that it would take 2 or 3 days to fix and all was agreed. Four days later on asking progress, were told that it was not going to happen. After 12 days in hotel we finally moved into a company rented apartment - after another teacher had been requested to move out. Great way to introduce yourself to new work colleagues. Following day Greg had new job and we both resigned. It then took another week before TDM would give us the release letter which is essential if one wants to work for a different employer.

Before we even started teaching, we should have known better - when sitting in the office, a very irate Canadian teacher stormed in and said 'are you the new teachers? if so I'd put on my running shoes and get the hell out of here'. Would have to say that this experience was probably the worst we have ever had. Fortunately having been to China previously, and having some financial backup was a definite plus. For first timers could have been disastrous.

Furthermore as Carla only had a 30 day tourist visa due to inefficiency once again on TDM's part, she was advised that she would have to go back to Hong Kong, not that it was ever mentioned again in the first two weeks. The administrator at the University stated that this was not necessary and could all be fixed up locally, which it was......[refer Wuhan FLFA ]

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